Tingkatkan Pengalaman Toko Online Anda Dengan Strategi SMS

Tingkatkan Pengalaman Toko Online Anda Dengan Strategi SMS

Enhance Your Online Store Experience With an SMS Strategy

SMS messaging can be a game-changer for e-commerce brands. Find out why SMS is so important—and how to easily add it to your marketing arsenal.

These numbers don’t lie: more than tiga perempat orang dewasa di Amerika Serikat use their phones to shop and make purchases. By 2024, an estimated 42,9 persen of global e-commerce sales will come from mobile devices. As the e-commerce industry evolves, SMS marketing is moving closer to its gravitational center, enabling 1-to-1 communication that personalizes messages, boosts conversions, and improves customer retention rates.

Integrasi tanpa hambatan dengan platform e-commerce Anda creates a collaborative relationship between your SMS strategy and your online shoppers. With the right tactics, SMS marketing can be plugged into numerous marketing initiatives. Audience targeting and trigger-based automation can optimize message delivery while reducing the manual labor involved in managing these campaigns. 

The benefits of SMS marketing can’t be replicated elsewhere. If you’re serious about growing your e-commerce business, it’s time to add this powerful strategy to your marketing arsenal.

Kami akan membantu Anda memulai bisnis dengan langkah yang benar. Dalam panduan ini, Anda akan belajar:

  • Pentingnya mengembangkan media yang dimiliki channels untuk merek e-commerce Anda

  • Cara mengintegrasikan platform SMS Anda dengan toko online Anda

  • Jenis SMS campaigns yang dapat mendorong keterlibatan di antara pelanggan Anda

  • How SMS automation can improve the online shopping experience and increase sales 

Pemasaran yang dimiliki channels adalah aset e-commerce yang berharga

Your business website, blog, buletin email, and SMS strategy all fall into a marketing category called “owned media.” Owned marketing channels are assets that your business has complete control over, independent of paid advertising, marketing partners, PR support, and other channel-specific publishers and owners.

Dengan memprioritaskan pengembangan pemasaran yang dimiliki channels seperti SMS, bisnis e-commerce dapat mendiversifikasi kemampuan pemasaran mereka dan memungkinkan pendekatan yang lebih efisien dalam meningkatkan pengalaman pelanggan mereka.

Mengandalkan jangkauan media sosial dengan risiko Anda sendiri

Media sosial sering kali disamakan dengan SMS dan email sebagai saluran pemasaran yang dimiliki. Label tersebut tidak sepenuhnya akurat.

On the one hand, businesses indeed have total control over the content they publish to their social media accounts. But there’s an enormous difference between social media and other owned marketing channels when it comes to audience reach. 

Your business may control what and when you publish to social media, but those social platforms have complete control over your organic reach. Most major social networks use algorithms to control how much organic reach your business posts can achieve: the average engagement rate for an organic Facebook post, for example, can be as low as 1,52 persen.

Jejaring sosial diberi insentif untuk menekan jangkauan organik sehingga bisnis Anda akhirnya menggunakan promosi berbayar. Ketika bisnis Anda tidak memiliki distribusi, maka bisnis Anda tidak memiliki saluran pemasaran.

Social media still offers plenty of value to e-commerce brands, but that value is di mercy of the platforms where your business builds a presence—which is why it’s worth investing in marketing channels your business can fully own.  

Keuntungan kepemilikan email dan SMS

Dibandingkan dengan kontrol terbatas yang ditawarkan oleh media sosial dan pemasaran berbayar channels, email dan SMS berbeda dengan menawarkan kontrol penuh tidak hanya pada konten yang Anda buat, tetapi juga distribusi konten tersebut dan audiens yang Anda jangkau.

Daftar manfaatnya sangat panjang. Berikut ini adalah yang paling penting:

  • Anda sepenuhnya mengendalikan konten yang Anda buat dan audiens yang Anda jangkau. We mentioned it above, but it bears repeating: email and SMS offer end-to-end ownership that other marketing channels can’t match.

  • Jangkauan dan penyampaian kepada audiens sepenuhnya transparan. Social media, paid search and other marketing channels target an anonymous audience based on predefined filters. Email and SMS, by contrast, are delivered to a list of known customers and prospects.

  • Bisnis Anda tidak harus pay untuk mendapatkan eksposur. While you’ll pay a nominal cost to cover the delivery of emails and SMS messages, the cost is fixed and only a fraction of the cost of paid ad exposure.

  • Pengiriman SMS dan email dilakukan sesuai jadwal Anda. Timing can be of utmost importance when promoting flash sales, sending shipping notifications, and memberikan pembaruan waktu nyata. Social media and other channels don’t let you control this timing, which can impact the performance and value of your communications.

  • Pesan dapat secara tepat disesuaikan dengan audiens tertentu. With greater control over the audience receiving your messages, SMS and email improve the quality of your personalized messaging.

  • Pemasaran yang dimiliki channels tumbuh dalam nilai dari waktu ke waktu. As SMS and email lists grow, the potential engagement from a single delivered message increases. Ongoing testing and iteration will refine your messaging strategy over time, optimizing performance as you expand your reachable audience.

  • Kehadiran pemasaran yang lebih kuat yang dimiliki mengurangi ketergantungan Anda pada alternatif berbayar. Your business might not stop investing in paid marketing altogether, but owned channels will give you greater flexibility to adjust your marketing mix to balance marketing spend and ROI.

Luncurkan strategi SMS Anda melalui Shopify

Strategi SMS e-commerce Anda didukung oleh data pelanggan dan aktivitas belanja yang terjadi di toko online Anda. Penawaran yang dipersonalisasi, penjualan kilat, kupon, pengingat keranjang yang ditinggalkan, pemberitahuan pengiriman, dan permintaan untuk ulasan produk hanyalah beberapa skenario di mana pesan SMS bergantung pada informasi dari platform e-commerce Anda.

With more than four million online stores built on its platform, the odds are your e-commerce business is running on Shopify. But whether it’s Shopify or one of its competitors, your messaging strategy depends on seamless integration between your company’s SMS and e-commerce platforms. 

Berikut adalah cara untuk mewujudkannya:

Pilih platform SMS yang tepat untuk bisnis Anda

Siapkan strategi SMS Anda untuk sukses dengan memilih platform perpesanan yang terintegrasi dengan Shopify dan memenuhi kebutuhan bisnis Anda yang unik. Minimal, platform SMS Anda harus menawarkan:

  • Kontrol kepatuhan bawaan. E-commerce businesses must stay compliant with local customer data privacy regulations in any country where they do business. Choose an SMS platform that can keep your messaging and data management in compliance at all times.

  • Seamless integration with your e-commerce platform. If you’re using Shopify, choose an SMS provider with an app in the Shopify app store—meaning you can trust the quality of the platform integration.

  • Kemampuan untuk mempersonalisasi pesan kepada audiens Anda. By using e-commerce data to tailor personalized messages to your subscribers, your business can foster strong customer relationships that lead to increased retention and loyalty.

  • Pelaporan e-commerce. Generate SMS campaign data in mendekati waktu nyata to monitor and analyze performance—including how SMS messaging is delivering e-commerce outcomes.

Selain fitur-fitur penting di atas, bisnis Anda mungkin juga menginginkan platform SMS yang menawarkan hal-hal berikut ini:

  • Kemampuan otomatisasi tanpa kode. Fast, user-friendly automation development tools can help you develop SMS messaging strategies connected to e-commerce events ranging from backroom operations to customer behaviors.

  • Alat seret dan lepas untuk membuat pop-up situs web. Simple widget pop-up can be added to your website to mengumpulkan keikutsertaan for your SMS messages.

  • Integrasi yang mudah dengan aplikasi e-commerce lainnya. SMS marketing can benefit from integrations with e-commerce applications delivering customer support, shipping, CRM, and other business services. The more you’re able to integrate your SMS platform with other applications, the more you’ll be able to leverage shared data and capabilities for a better customer experience.

  • Dukungan untuk strategi pemasaran lain yang dimiliki. When SMS, email, Ada yang messaging, and other communications are managed through the same platform, you can share performance data, message templates, and other strategic elements across these channels for more efficient campaign management and improved performance.

Integrasikan alat SMS Anda dengan Shopify

If you choose an SMS platform with alat integrasi yang telah dibangun sebelumnya, connecting that platform to your e-commerce platform is easy. Bird’s Shopify Connector, for example, allows your business to connect your SMS and e-commerce platforms in just a few steps, giving you access to shared data and capabilities between these solutions.

Setelah integrasi ini selesai, Anda sebaiknya mulai mengonfigurasi platform perpesanan Anda untuk menyelaraskannya dengan strategi SMS Anda. Proses ini harus mencakup:

  • Membangun daftar SMS Anda. Whether you’re importing existing contacts or setting up channels to gather new subscribers, create an SMS audience that will serve as your master subscriber list.

  • Menerapkan strategi untuk mengumpulkan persetujuan eksplisit. To meet global compliance requirements, your SMS list will need to collect opt-ins from your subscribers. Pop-ups and the online checkout process can be used to add new subscribers, but your business will need to make sure that appropriate disclosures, as well as information regarding opt-outs, are also available.

  • Manajemen biaya strategis untuk SMS campaigns. Message delivery pricing varies by country. When communicating with a global audience, cost-optimized delivery can take advantage of these differences to increase the overall reach of your SMS strategy. When you’re new to SMS marketing, it’s particularly important to understand these costs before you go live with your first campaign.

Aktifkan pembaruan waktu nyata untuk toko online Anda

Gunakan komunikasi SMS yang tepat waktu untuk meningkatkan pengalaman pelanggan Anda. Bersamaan dengan pesan pemasaran, komunikasi SMS dapat diintegrasikan dengan operasi e-commerce untuk memberikan pembaruan yang berharga kepada basis pelanggan Anda.

Pemberitahuan pengiriman dapat membuat pelanggan tetap mengetahui kapan pengiriman akan tiba. Pemberitahuan keranjang yang ditinggalkan dapat mengingatkan pembeli bahwa mereka lupa untuk check out. Pembaruan ini dapat diotomatisasi dan dipicu oleh informasi yang dikirimkan dari platform e-commerce Anda, sehingga meningkatkan pengalaman pasca-konversi perusahaan Anda.

Libatkan pelanggan Anda melalui SMS yang kreatif campaigns

Once your SMS platform is fully integrated with your online store, your business is ready to create messaging campaigns aimed at driving sales and increasing customer loyalty. 

SMS pertama Anda campaigns tidak akan sempurna. Namun, dengan menguji berbagai jenis pesan dan menganalisis hasil SMS campaigns Anda, bisnis Anda dapat mengambil wawasan yang akan membantu menyempurnakan pendekatan Anda dan memperkuat strategi SMS Anda di masa mendatang.

Mencari inspirasi kampanye? Berikut ini adalah beberapa strategi e-commerce populer untuk membantu Anda memulai:

  • Mengembangkan program loyalitas berbasis SMS. Encourage subscriber opt-ins by promising exclusive deals, product offerings, and other perks of membership. Rewards points, limited-time promotions, and VIP content can be delivered via SMS to remind customers of the benefits of staying connected through text.

  • Penjualan kilat. Time-limited sales can spur sales from customers who don’t want to miss out on a great deal. Since SMS messages can be delivered within seconds of launching the campaign, e-commerce businesses can use this communication channel to share time-sensitive information.

  • Peluncuran produk baru. When demand is high and inventory is limited, SMS will reward subscribers by instantly letting them know that popular products are available.

  • Mengumpulkan umpan balik pelanggan. Let customers know you care about them while also gathering valuable feedback to improve your shopping experience. Whether you request feedback via text reply or refer customers to a short online survey, these responses can help inform your SMS marketing strategy going forward.

  • Teks perayaan. Deliver a simple, personalized SMS experience by messaging your subscribers on their birthday or their anniversary of becoming a customer. A brief show of appreciation will go a long way with your subscribers—although a special discount or promo won’t hurt, either.

Menetapkan tujuan dan menganalisis hasil

Pendekatan uji-coba pada SMS marketing hanya akan berhasil jika Anda menetapkan tujuan dan mengevaluasi kinerja di semua campaigns Anda.

This process is easy to execute when your SMS platform offers built-in analytics and reporting. Before your campaign goes live—really, before you create the campaign messaging and set your target audience—your business should establish the goal of that campaign: revenue generation, promotion redemption, survey completion, etc.

Most SMS campaigns center on these core metrics:

  • Tingkat pengiriman: This measures the number of SMS messages that were effectively sent to your audience. Without a dependable provider, SMS messages can be blocked, delayed, or simply fail to send.

  • Tarif terbuka: How many recipients received your SMS message and decided to open it. High rates indicate a willingness to interact, while low rates suggest that a change in copy, timing, segmentation, or messaging is needed.

  • Rasio klik-tayang (CTR): Once an SMS message is opened, are recipients clicking links and acting on CTAs? This metric is a good indicator of engagement and interaction. 

  • Tingkat keikutsertaan dan ketidakikutsertaan: Consumers have the option to consent to SMS messages. This metric can be monitored to understand how many recipients are saying “yes” to your brand. 

Setelah kampanye berjalan, lihat metrik kinerja yang Anda identifikasi dan evaluasi efektivitas kampanye secara keseluruhan. Apa saja kekuatan kampanye tersebut? Apa saja kekurangannya? Apa yang dapat Anda ubah di lain waktu untuk mencapai hasil yang lebih baik, dan pelajaran apa yang dapat diterapkan pada SMS Anda yang lain campaigns?

Perluas otomatisasi SMS dan sempurnakan pemicu

Integrasi platform e-commerce akan memasok platform perpesanan Anda dengan banyak data berharga untuk mendukung strategi otomatisasi SMS yang kuat. Dengan memanfaatkan data ini dengan otomatisasi berbasis pemicu dan kecerdasan buatan, bisnis Anda dapat mencapai pengiriman pesan yang lebih personal dan interaksi yang lebih responsif-bahkan dalam skala besar.

Otomatisasi tidak berarti melakukan lebih banyak, lebih cepat. Ini berarti melakukan lebih banyak, lebih cepat, dan lebih baik dari sebelumnya.

Seperti yang telah disebutkan sebelumnya, alat pengembangan tanpa kode akan mempercepat kemampuan Anda untuk menerapkan otomatisasi SMS di seluruh bisnis e-commerce Anda. Namun kecepatan tidak sepenting memastikan otomatisasi dikonfigurasikan dengan benar dengan pemicu dan target audiens yang tepat.

Top automation flows to enhance your Shopify store experience 

When your SMS platform is integrated with Shopify, the automation possibilities are endless. 

Tetapi upaya otomatisasi Anda harus dimulai dari suatu tempat. Berikut ini adalah beberapa otomatisasi paling berharga yang mungkin ingin diprioritaskan oleh bisnis e-commerce:

  • Peringatan stok kembali. By sharing inventory data with your SMS platform, subscribers can immediately receive a notification when in-demand products are available for purchase.

  • Pengingat keranjang yang ditinggalkan. Recommendations on the best time to send an abandoned cart notification can vary between one and 24 hours. However, one study reported a 20,3 persen conversion rate for messages sent within one hour of cart abandonment. Experiment with different timing strategies to find the approach that delivers the best ROI for your business. 

  • Konfirmasi pesanan. Let anxious consumers know their order is confirmed as soon as possible. You can also let them know what the next steps will be in terms of processing time and shipment.

  • Pemberitahuan pengiriman. Notify customers when their order has shipped, and provide them with a tracking number so they can monitor the shipment’s progress on their own.

Mengisi lubang seukuran SMS dalam strategi pemasaran e-dagang Anda

SMS bukanlah peluru perak untuk pemasaran e-commerce. Namun, seiring dengan semakin lazimnya belanja melalui ponsel, pesan SMS menjadi alat yang sangat diperlukan untuk meningkatkan keterlibatan dan loyalitas pelanggan.

When you build SMS campaigns on Bird, your business can benefit from a suite of powerful tools to help you test, iterate, and optimize your SMS strategy faster. 

ROI pesan Anda akan meningkat, dan pengalaman pelanggan Anda akan lebih kuat dari sebelumnya.

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Your new standard in Marketing, Pay & Sales. It's Bird

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