The Most Important Dates & Tactics for Your 2024 WhatsApp Calendar

The Most Important Dates & Tactics for Your 2024 WhatsApp Calendar

The Most Important Dates & Tactics for Your 2024 WhatsApp Calendar

2024 is the perfect time to take full advantage of key calendar moments to maximize your WhatsApp engagement, conversions, and ROI.

Ketika Anda berkomunikasi dengan pelanggan, waktu adalah perbedaan antara meningkatkan keterlibatan dan pendapatan dan meninggalkan uang di atas meja.

Whether it’s a back-to-school special, a holiday season promo, or a targeted birthday discount, businesses must take advantage of moments when consumers are more likely to buy—or when customers are more likely to buy again. 

Dengan menyiapkan kalender promosi yang menunjukkan kapan peluang tersebut muncul, Anda dapat secara signifikan meningkatkan penjualan sepanjang tahun dan memastikan perwakilan Anda mencapai target.

The tool that arguably opens the most doors for time-sensitive engagement is WhatsApp. With over two billion active users, the platform’s business arm menghasilkan pendapatan sekitar $330 juta for its users in 2022—and that value only went up in 2023.

Why WhatsApp? 

To create raving fans of your brand, boost sales, and improve your brand recognition worldwide, you must deliver the right messaging to your target audience. According to McKinsey, 76% konsumen say personalized communications are “a key factor” in choosing which companies to buy from.

With stakes this high, your messaging needs to do more than transmit information; it should captivate, motivate, and inspire. 

Pada tahun 2022, tingkat keterbukaan rata-rata untuk pesan WhatsApp Business mencapai 98%. Kalikan efektivitas tersebut dengan basis pengguna aktif global yang terdiri dari dua miliar konsumen, dan Anda akan mendapatkan formula untuk ROI yang sangat besar baik dari perspektif pemasaran maupun penjualan.

When you set up a twelve-month promotional calendar specifically for WhatsApp, you ensure your brand stands out in a saturated market. Beyond the massive sales boost, you’ll strengthen customer loyalty during peak traffic periods and more efficiently manage inbound inquiries on a saluran yang relatif baru namun sangat efektif

Panduan ini membahas tanggal-tanggal penting di tahun 2024 untuk membantu merencanakan WhatsApp Anda campaigns. Kami juga akan menyoroti beberapa taktik platform yang selalu ada dan harus selalu Anda ingat jika Anda menginginkan pelanggan yang bahagia dan setia.

Taktik WhatsApp yang penting untuk diterapkan sepanjang tahun

Regardless of when you plan on deploying WhatsApp messaging or marketing campaigns, you must understand how to use the platform effectively. 

Taktik dasar di bawah ini adalah taktik yang harus selalu diingat oleh setiap manajer pemasaran, peritel e-commerce, dan pemimpin bisnis. Kelimanya membantu memperdalam loyalitas pelanggan, mengelola pertanyaan konsumen yang masuk, dan memberikan dorongan pada merek Anda selama musim penjualan puncak.

Perhatikan bahwa ini adalah panduan umum. Pertimbangan musiman dan pertimbangan lain yang sensitif terhadap waktu akan dibahas kemudian dalam panduan ini.

1. Ketahui tempat untuk mempromosikan saluran WhatsApp Anda

To maximize your WhatsApp strategy’s reach, start by identifying the various entry points for the channel across your brand’s current presence. Popular promotional in-points for WhatsApp include websites, other social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok, email marketing calls-to-action, and checkout points in physical retail stores. 

Selain itu, pertimbangkan titik kontak digital kreatif lainnya, seperti tanda tangan email karyawan atau pesan di luar kantor. Ini merupakan cara yang lebih pasif untuk menarik perhatian audiens target Anda dan mendorong mereka untuk terlibat dengan merek Anda melalui WhatsApp.

2. Mengatur pengingat pengabaian troli otomatis

Another effective year-round tactic is using WhatsApp as a vehicle for sending automated messages to customers who fail to complete a purchase. These messages should invoke a sense of urgency by emphasizing the limited time the individual has to place their order to lock in a discounted price, guarantee delivery by a specific date, and so on. 

Pesan otomatis ini juga dapat menargetkan browser lain dengan menyajikan rekomendasi produk yang dipersonalisasi dan promosi khusus. Sebagai jumlah dari bagian-bagiannya, elemen-elemen taktis ini secara signifikan meningkatkan konversi e-commerce.

3. Memberikan informasi kepada pelanggan dengan peringatan inventaris

Notifikasi inventaris adalah cara yang bagus untuk menjaga agar basis pelanggan Anda selalu mendapatkan informasi terbaru tentang tingkat stok untuk item dengan permintaan tinggi, stok ulang buku terlaris Anda, atau item yang sebelumnya mereka minati berdasarkan riwayat pembelian atau penelusuran. Mengirimkan notifikasi ini di lingkungan dengan keterlibatan tinggi seperti WhatsApp sering kali mendorong tindakan segera dan meningkatkan pembayaran.

Karena sifat komunikasi WhatsApp yang instan, Anda juga dapat memposisikan pembaruan ini sebagai pemberitahuan inventaris waktu nyata. Pembingkaian ini memastikan pelanggan yang ikut serta akan menjadi yang pertama tahu tentang pembaruan penting.

4. Memberikan transparansi dengan pembaruan pelacakan pesanan

Giving customers a detailed, transparent rundown of order activity is crucial—customers want to be able to track their orders, and you can get proactive with it. WhatsApp is a terrific tool for this task, helping you deepen consumer trust in your brand with accurate delivery time estimations and tracking updates. 

Ketika Anda menggabungkan pelacakan pesanan dengan beberapa taktik lain yang tercantum di atas, Anda dapat meningkatkan keterlibatan secara signifikan dalam satu percakapan. Memberikan rekomendasi dan jawaban atas pertanyaan konsumen setelah pemesanan dapat meningkatkan kemungkinan terjadinya bisnis kembali.

5. Menyederhanakan proses pengembalian dan penukarans

Tidak ada yang ingin pengembalian atau penukaran barang menjadi sesuatu yang merepotkan. Menyederhanakan dan menghilangkan stres dalam proses ini menjadi lebih mudah dengan WhatsApp, yang memungkinkan Anda mengatur pemicu percakapan otomatis yang memandu pelanggan melalui langkah-langkah yang diperlukan dan FAQ. Dengan memprioritaskan efisiensi, Anda mengurangi rasa frustrasi, meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan, dan memberikan pengalaman yang luar biasa.

Mengandalkan WhatsApp untuk pengembalian dan penukaran juga meningkatkan kecepatan dukungan internal; agen tidak menghabiskan banyak waktu untuk memproses pengembalian dan penukaran. Mempercepat bagian perjalanan pembeli ini memungkinkan Anda untuk beroperasi secara lebih efektif dalam skala besar.

Tanggal-tanggal penting kalender WhatsApp 2024 yang perlu diingat

To hit sales targets and grow in the coming year, it’s vital to leverage platforms like WhatsApp di right time to capitalize on peak consumer spending periods. 

2023 data from Deloitte shows that 56% of people use social media to research products or services before the holiday shopping season. This trend is only increasing with time: 87% of Gen Z shoppers get shopping inspiration from social platforms. 

Menyiapkan strategi yang sesuai dengan kebiasaan ini tidak perlu memakan waktu berjam-jam atau berhari-hari.

Keep reading to see the only promotional calendar you’ll need for your WhatsApp marketing campaigns in 2024, month by month. 

Januari 2024

  • Hari Tahun Baru (1 Januari): Start your customers’ year off right by sending personalized messages offering exclusive deals following the holidays.

  • Tahun Baru Imlek (22 Januari): Leading up ke street parades and lion and dragon dances are days when people are eager to get their hands on everything red — clothing, tapestries, lanterns, and candles. Get inspired and theme engagement on these items via WhatsApp within countries like China, Korea, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines.

  • Winter Clearance Sale (1-15 Januari): Move out your overstocked winter inventory and make room for new stock by highlighting discounted prices and limited-time offers.

  • Bulan Hobi Nasional (1-31 Januari): Encourage your customers to pursue their hobbies by offering special discounts on related products and sharing hobby-specific content.

Taktik utama WhatsApp: Many consumers have extra discretionary income on hand in January due to holiday gifting—create and send exclusive discounts to a broadcast subscriber list to take advantage of this.

Februari 2024

  • Hari Valentine (14 Februari): Ensure your target audience feels the love by sending special gift ideas, recommendations, or limited-edition product line promotions via WhatsApp.

  • Super Bowl LVIII (11 Februari): Amp up your brand exposure on game day by targeting sports and entertainment enthusiasts with real-time updates and interactive, event-based content.

  • Hari Presiden (19 Februari): American businesses often honor their country's leaders and history by offering patriotic-themed promotions and exclusive content that bakes in historical trivia.

Taktik utama WhatsApp: Implement a chatbot that provides personalized gift recommendations based on the recipient's preferences and budget, perfect for occasions like Valentine's Day.

Maret 2024

  • Hari Perempuan Internasional (8 Maret): Use WhatsApp to celebrate women by highlighting female-led businesses or partners, offering discounts on women's products, and sharing inspiring stories.

  • Patrick's Day (17 Maret): Embrace the luck of the Irish by running a campaign that includes themed messages, fun contests, and maybe an exclusive green product or two.

  • Liburan Musim Semi (1-15 Maret): Wash the winter blues away by sending customers discounts and promotions on the hottest fashion, gadgets, and accessories that will take their vacation ke next level.

Taktik utama WhatsApp: Position your brand as one that knows what’s trendy and isn’t afraid to share those recommendations with customers—it’s an excellent way to promote new products and fresh restocks.

April 2024

  • Jumat Agung (29 Maret)/Senin Paskah (1 April): Hop into the long Easter weekend by serving up themed promotions on products and running contests like a virtual Easter egg hunt.

  • Hari Bumi (22 April): Emphasize your commitment to sustainability by promoting eco-friendly products or initiatives and sharing tips for reducing consumer carbon footprint.

  • Koningsdag atau Hari Raja (27 April): This day is filled with concerts, flea markets, community gatherings, and of course, orange outfits every April in the Netherlands. Share your commitment to this specific subset of your audience by acknowledging this important holiday and maybe even running promotions on your goods to celebrate.

  • Musim Pembersihan Musim Semi (15-31 April): Out with the old, in with the new—help your customers refresh their homes or style by offering discounts on wardrobe and decor essentials.

Taktik utama WhatsApp: Make spring cleaning less about clutter and more about organization with WhatsApp conversation centered around life hacks and user-generated content, like sharing before-and-after photos of home makeovers.

Mei 2024

  • Hari Ibu (12 Mei): Show appreciation for mothers everywhere by offering special discounts on gifts, organizing exclusive giveaways, and sharing heartwarming user-submitted stories.

  • Cinco de Mayo (5 Mei): Use WhatsApp to target segments of your audience with Mexican-themed products, traditional recipes, virtual event invites, and other cultural celebrations.

  • Hari Peringatan (27 Mei): Honor fallen heroes and show support for veterans and their families with special discounts, supporting charity groups, and sharing stories of courage.

Taktik utama WhatsApp: Use your broadcast lists to send subscribers reminders to place orders by a specified date and time so their products or services will arrive before Mom’s big day.

Juni 2024

  • Hari Ayah (16 Juni): Give dads a shout-out with unique gift recommendations, fun content like quizzes and polls, and limited-time giveaways guaranteed to make their day. 

  • Musim Wisuda (1-15 Juni): Celebrate recent graduates by sending people gift suggestions, personalized product recommendations, and discounts on post-graduation essentials—new apartment decor anyone?

  • Hari Musik Dunia (21 Juni): Embrace the universal language of music by promoting any music-related products, organizing virtual jam sessions, and sharing curated playlists.

  • Hari Santo Yohanes atau Midsommar (23 atau 24 Juni): This European holiday marks the longest day of the year and always involves gatherings of friends and family, great food, and wildflowers. Make sure your WhatsApp audience is prepared to celebrate with all of the right garb, grub, and garden goods.

Taktik utama WhatsApp: Ensure your chatbot is equipped to answer all your customers’ holiday-related product questions, making it easy for them to find the perfect gift for a father, recent grad, and more.

Juli 2024

  • Obral Musim Panas (1-15 Juli): Help your customers have fun in the sun by offering promotions on any summer-themed products, such as swimwear, outdoor gear, and vacation essentials.

  • Hari Kemerdekaan (4 Juli): Celebrate the Fourth of July by sending recommendations for red, white, and blue products or contest sweepstakes information.

  • Hari Bastille (14 Juli): This French fan-favorite holiday features parades and parties. Honor your French audience by offering special promotions and discounts in connection with this historical, important day.

  • Hari Emoji Sedunia (17 Juli): Incorporate lots of (or, if you’re bold, exclusively) emojis into your messaging and ask your audience to share their favorite emoji or related online memes. They can even vote via an interactive quiz and see how thousands of other recipients respond.

Taktik utama WhatsApp: Leverage multimedia assets in your WhatsApp messages to further entice engagement from your target audience and dazzle them with your brand’s digital style.

Agustus 2024

  • Libur Musim Panas (1-15 Agustus): Clear out your summer inventory and get ready for fall by offering major discounts on seasonal products by sending notifications about limited quantities and limited time offers.

  • Kembali ke Sekolah (15-31 Agustus): Help families prepare for the upcoming school year by sharing discounts or promotions or relevant items, like school supplies, backpacks, electronics, and clothing. 

  • Hari Anjing Nasional (26 Agustus): Drive WhatsApp engagement with the pet lovers in your brand’s community by organizing pet photo contests and awarding giveaways based on user-generated content.

Taktik utama WhatsApp: Get granular with your audience or buyer data to personalize your WhatsApp content. During a back-to-school promotion, certain items may entice individuals who have kids in a specific grade level or region.

September 2024

  • Peluncuran Busana Musim Gugur (1-15 September): Once summer comes to a close, fashion retailers provide subscribers or VIPs with early access to and discounts on their new fall collection.

  • Hari Buruh (2 September): Many businesses use the last long weekend of summer to finish their stock cleanout, using channels like WhatsApp to send eye-opening discounts or BOGO offers to customers.

  • Penjualan Awal Musim Gugur (21 September): The transition from summer to fall isn’t just for the fashion industry—capitalize on returns to work and school by serving your target audience with promotions they don’t want to miss.

Taktik utama WhatsApp: Fine-tune your messaging timing and frequency to ensure you’re able to send your customer base multiple content snippets before and during a marketing campaign without it feeling spammy. 

Oktober 2024

  • Halloween (Kamis, 31 Oktober): Embrace the spooky season by offering Halloween-themed promotions and giveaways for the best costume pictures through your WhatsApp feed.

  • Bulan Kesadaran Kanker Payudara: Show support for breast cancer awareness and highlight your brand’s socially conscious side by participating in charity initiatives or donating a portion of sales to breast cancer research. 

  • Bulan Pizza Nasional: Universally loved days like this one practically cry out for themed content and messaging to engage customers; pizza topping polls, quiz-based contests, and lots of those pizza emojis should be on the menu.

Taktik utama WhatsApp: Personalize your WhatsApp chatbot’s welcome message to match the occasion, whether it’s to highlight a charitable endeavor or invite engagement with a Halloween or pizza-themed piece of content.

November 2024

  • Diwali (1 November): For Hindu families and others around the world, Diwali is a celebration of “the victory of light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance.” People often gather together and celebrate with large meals, great food, lanterns, fireworks, and candles. Help your audience celebrate by pointing them to links that’ll make hosting people for the festivities feel simple.

  • Thanksgiving (28 November): Thanksgiving isn’t only about turkey and stuffing anymore. The immediate calm before the Black Friday Cyber Monday (BFCM) storm is when many consumers start their holiday shopping, and when retailers begin rolling out promotions.

  • Black Friday (29 November): It’s the biggest shopping event of any calendar year—one that meraup sekitar $9,8 miliar in 2023, up 7.5% year-over-year. Regardless of what you sell, leverage deep discounts, flash sales, and other time-bound tactics to maximize sales.

  • Sabtu Usaha Kecil (30 November): Champion independent businesses in your area by spotlighting local merchants as part of your BFCM campaigns. Doing so can also improve your brand’s global reputation with consumers.

Taktik utama WhatsApp: Make sure your target audience knows all about your exciting Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals well in advance of the big weekend blitz. Start sending messages to relevant  lists several weeks early.

Desember 2024

  • Cyber Monday (2 Desember): Interestingly, the latter half of BFCM tends to do even better than the start of the long weekend, generating nearly $12.5 billion in sales in 2023. Take advantage of the increased online traffic loads with fresh deals and discounts as everyone rushes to get their purchases processed and holiday shopping underway. 

  • Hari Selasa (3 Desember): After BFCM, Giving Tuesday is a great opportunity to extend promotions while also giving back—consider participating in this global event by donating sales proceeds to worthy causes.

  • Hari Santo Nikolas atau Sinterklass (5 Desember): On this day, children in European countries are often given gifts, baked goods, or candy. For brands that sell children’s clothing or toys, the days leading up to this holiday can be bigger than Christmas for these countries.

  • Panduan Hadiah Liburan: Help your customers find the perfect gifts for their loved ones by creating the perfect holiday gift guide, preferably in an interactive format, and let WhatsApp be the delivery vehicle.

  • 12 Hari Natal (13-25 Desember): Create a series of promotions, discounts, or giveaways that serve as a countdown to Christmas Day, with daily messages highlighting exclusive deals or contests.

  • Boxing Day (26 Desember): Traditionally, this was a day of giving back for Commonwealth nations like Britain, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. People would donate a gift they received during the Christmas season, but often companies offer large discounts on this day — and yours should be one of them that promotes those deals via WhatsApp.

  • Malam Tahun Baru (Selasa, 31 Desember): Say goodbye to the year that was with one last blow-out promotion. Use audience data to personalize your messaging and help consumers celebrate in style.

Taktik utama WhatsApp: With an abundance of brands sending promotions to consumers during the holiday shopping season, keep your messaging clear and concise. Create a sense of urgency but don’t be intrusive—only some folks will want a branded message sent to their phone on Christmas morning.

Ingat, ini hanyalah beberapa contoh dari sekian banyak peluang promosi yang tersedia sepanjang tahun 2024. Sesuaikan pendekatan WhatsApp marketing Anda dengan tema yang selaras dengan persona dan pasar bisnis Anda, semuanya dengan fokus untuk meningkatkan loyalitas pelanggan dan membangun koneksi dalam skala besar.

Cara mempersiapkan pesan 2024 yang tepat untuk audiens Anda

Menyiapkan kalender WhatsApp 2024 Anda adalah tempat yang baik untuk memulai, tetapi bukan tempat yang baik untuk mengakhirinya.

Berikut ini adalah beberapa taktik inti yang kami sarankan untuk digunakan saat Anda menyiapkan pesan yang menarik untuk WhatsApp 2024 campaigns:

1. Petakan semuanya ke sasaran pemasaran triwulanan

The best marketing messaging on WhatsApp always aligns with quarterly campaign objectives. 

Dengan memahami tujuan menyeluruh Anda dan bagaimana setiap inisiatif pemasaran memengaruhi peluang penjualan, Anda dapat menyesuaikan pesan agar sesuai dengan campaigns atau promosi yang berbeda secara lebih efektif.

Pertanyaan untuk ditanyakan pada diri sendiri:

  • Pesan apa yang akan tetap sama di semua campaigns?

  • Apa yang akan berbeda?

  • Kapan pesan harus mengimbangi periode yang lebih tenang?

  • Frekuensi konten pesan apa yang akan memastikan Anda mencapai tujuan Anda?

2. Gunakan analitik untuk mendorong pengambilan keputusan Anda

Lupakan berlian - data selalu menjadi teman terbaik bagi pemasar. Untuk membuat pesan yang menarik, Anda harus memahami seberapa baik kinerja campaigns sebelumnya, konten apa yang paling disukai audiens, dan bagaimana Anda dapat mengoptimalkan pemasaran campaigns ke depannya. Gunakan alat analitik untuk memberikan gambaran yang jelas tentang preferensi audiens dan kinerja WhatsApp.

Pertanyaan untuk ditanyakan pada diri sendiri:

  • Pesan sebelumnya mana yang memiliki tingkat keterbukaan tertinggi? Rasio klik-tayang?

  • Pesan sebelumnya mana yang memiliki tingkat keterbukaan terendah? Rasio klik-tayang?

  • Berdasarkan poin-poin data tersebut, penawaran mana yang paling menarik bagi konsumen?

3. Memusatkan dan merampingkan persiapan aset

A hallmark of efficient marketing strategies and management is having your campaign assets prepared well in advance. A platform like Bird helps marketing teams ensure consistent branding across all communication channels and personalize messaging to different regions and demographics, making each audience segment feel valued.

Pertanyaan untuk ditanyakan pada diri sendiri:

  • Apakah setiap kampanye WhatsApp memiliki magnet konten khusus?

  • Are voice, tone, and value propositions consistent across every campaign? 

  • Apakah pesan disesuaikan untuk segmen audiens dan wilayah yang berbeda?

4. Jadwalkan pengiriman pesan WhatsApp Anda terlebih dahulu

Ketika Anda menjadwalkan pesan pemasaran Anda sebelumnya, Anda membebaskan waktu yang berharga untuk fokus pada aspek penting lainnya dari strategi pemasaran Anda. Dengan mengotomatiskan pengiriman pesan WhatsApp, Anda mempertahankan kehadiran platform yang konsisten dan menghindari kekosongan konten secara tiba-tiba.

Pertanyaan untuk ditanyakan pada diri sendiri:

  • Apakah Anda memiliki pesan WhatsApp yang dijadwalkan untuk dikirim secara teratur?

  • Apakah pesan WhatsApp Anda dijadwalkan untuk waktu pengiriman yang optimal?

  • Apakah inventaris konten Anda sudah cukup banyak untuk menangani periode sibuk?

Manfaatkan momen perpesanan WhatsApp terbesar di tahun 2024

To truly harness WhatsApp’s potential as a customer engagement tool, you must set yourself up for success with a detailed, actionable campaign calendar for 2024. 

Untuk menghindari kekacauan dan kekeliruan selama proses pembuatannya, lakukan langkah-langkah berikut ini:

  • Mengidentifikasi pemangku kepentingan yang tepat untuk setiap tugas and triage project timelines and bandwidth accordingly

  • Mulailah dengan peluang promosi yang paling penting, such as BFCM and end-of-year holiday shopping, and work backward from there

  • Prioritaskan penawaran dan waktu yang masuk akal bagi audiens Anda instead of relying on a “spray and pray” execution style

Dengan mempertimbangkan taktik tersebut, strategi WhatsApp marketing Anda akan berbeda dengan pesaing Anda atau merek lain di bidang Anda secara global. Untuk menyiapkan perusahaan Anda agar terus sukses di WhatsApp, pastikan Anda:

  • Menjaga konsistensi merek across all marketing campaigns and promotions

  • Mengotomatiskan penjadwalan pesan to ensure content hits consumer inboxes di right time

  • Mempersonalisasi konten pesan to cater to different regional, demographic, and buying preferences

Optimalkan pesan Anda dengan Bird

Tim pemasaran yang berkinerja tinggi dan strateginya memiliki satu kesamaan: mereka memahami bahwa proses mencapai target mereka adalah maraton, bukan lari cepat. Pengoptimalan yang tepat dan terus menerus dari waktu ke waktu adalah kunci untuk memenangkan permainan perpesanan WhatsApp.

For brands leveraging WhatsApp in their promotional campaigns, there’s no better partner than Bird. Pelanggan seperti Uber, Google, dan Facebook choose MessageBird because we deliver:

  • Jangkauan audiens yang tak tertandingi with millions of WhatsApp messages sent daily

  • Keterlibatan audiens yang luar biasa with message open rates of 75%+

  • Hubungan pelanggan yang lebih kuat built on true two-way communication tools

  • Penyiapan dan persetujuan tanpa stres for WhatsApp numbers and templates worldwide

  • Wawasan berbasis data yang tak tertandingi that optimize your marketing and sales conversions

If you’re looking for a WhatsApp messaging platform that will support your brand’s growth every month of the year, Bird is an easy choice.

Pesan demo yang dipersonalisasi dan lihat perbedaan yang dapat dibuat Bird untuk ROI WhatsApp Anda.

Your new standard in Marketing, Pay & Sales. It's Bird

The right message -> to the right person -> at the right time.

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Your new standard in Marketing, Pay & Sales. It's Bird

The right message -> to the right person -> at the right time.

By clicking "See Bird" you agree to Bird's Pemberitahuan Privasi.