Memilih Vendor WhatsApp Marketing yang Tepat: Panduan Komprehensif

Memilih Vendor WhatsApp Marketing yang Tepat: Panduan Komprehensif

Choosing the Right WhatsApp Marketing Vendor: A Comprehensive Guide

Does your WhatsApp marketing vendor offer personalization, interactive content creation, analytics, and automation? Here’s how to find one if not.

Imagine tapping into a network of more than two billion users and delivering personalized messages straight to each person’s inbox. 

That’s WhatsApp for you, the aplikasi perpesanan paling populer in the world, with potential for customer engagement as vast as its user base. The platform has swiftly evolved into a marketing juggernaut, offering businesses a direct communication line to their audience. 

But mastering WhatsApp marketing isn't as easy as jumping on the bandwagon; dengan potensi yang besar, muncul pula kompleksitas yang besar

To leverage WhatsApp's rich features—interactive buttons, video content, emojis, and more—you’ll also need to orchestrate and craft all these moving pieces. Some of them are only accessible through the API WhatsApp Business. Plus, Meta’s stringent approval process and quality guidelines mean you’ll have to proceed with care, or risk penalties, like messaging limits or even account deactivation.

Di sinilah peran penting bermitra dengan vendor WhatsApp marketing yang tepat. Mengetahui dari mana harus memulai bisa jadi rumit, jadi kami telah menyusun panduan ini. pay Panduan ini membahas empat area - templat dinamis, fitur pengasuhan pelanggan, otomatisasi, dan analitik - yang perlu Anda perhatikan saat Anda menavigasi pencarian solusi yang tepat.

Apa yang harus dicari dalam vendor WhatsApp marketing

Templat pesan yang dinamis dan menarik

Message templates are the bread of butter of WhatsApp marketing. Every message you send to WhatsApp users must originate from an approved template. You need to create customizable message templates that not only engage your customers but also pass the approval process with flying colors. 

Here’s what a great WhatsApp vendor should be able to do to help you with that: 

1. Mengintegrasikan konten yang kaya

WhatsApp berbeda dengan pemasaran channels lainnya karena Anda dapat menyempurnakan pesan Anda dengan konten yang kaya agar lebih dinamis. Vendor yang Anda pilih harus memungkinkan Anda untuk menyesuaikan berbagai jenis konten yang didukung oleh WhatsApp, termasuk:

  • Teks yang kaya with varied fonts and formatting options to emphasize key points.

  • Buttons to invite customers to click on interactive calls-to-action.

  • Gambar to visually captivate and inform audiences.

  • GIF that add a lively, attention-grabbing element to your comms.

  • Video to engage your audience with visual content.

  • Emoji to convey emotions or humor, making messages more relatable and human.

  • Lokasi to guide customers to physical stores or add context to interactions.

  • Daftar to organize information for clarity.

  • Korsel to showcase multiple products or options in a single message.

Konten yang kaya membuat pengalaman yang lebih mendalam bagi pelanggan, menambahkan bakat pada templat pesan Anda dan membuatnya lebih mudah diingat dan menarik.

2. Memanfaatkan personalisasi

Di WhatsApp marketing, personalisasi lebih dari sekadar fitur; ini adalah kebutuhan untuk menciptakan pesan yang beresonansi secara mendalam dengan audiens Anda. Carilah vendor WhatsApp marketing yang dapat menyesuaikan komunikasi Anda untuk berbicara langsung kepada setiap pelanggan. Vendor yang ideal harus menawarkan kemampuan berikut ini:

  • Variabel yang dapat dipersonalisasi: Top vendors will pull from customer data to insert dynamic variables into your message templates, such as customer names, past purchases, or other relevant information. 

  • Integrasi e-commerce: Look for the ability to integrate with your online storefront to supercharge your personalized communications. You can send out personalized product recommendations, individualized promotional offers, or updates related ke customer’s latest interactions with your brand.

  • Segmentasi: This is basic but critical. Choose a partner who can divide your audience into groups based on various criteria, so you can send each group content that’s highly relevant to their interests.

  • Kustomisasi templat: You need a way to modify your templates over time to better speak to your various segments as their communication preferences evolve. For example, GIFs worked well across generations five years ago, but now, mereka tidak beresonansi dengan Gen Z.

Every WhatsApp message is an opportunity to have a meaningful conversation with a prospect or customer. Personalisasi is the key to unlocking those opportunities because people expect and crave content that’s highly relevant to their preferences. 

3. Mengelola persetujuan templat

WhatsApp requires every message template to undergo a stringent approval process before you can proactively send it out to customers. This is because Meta is tough on spam and aims to maintain a high standard of quality for all messages sent by brands on WhatsApp. 

Inilah yang dapat dilakukan oleh vendor WhatsApp marketing untuk memandu Anda melalui proses persetujuan tanpa rasa sakit:

  • Memberikan panduan tentang pembuatan templat: Top vendors will give you intuitive tools complete with clear instructions for crafting compliant templates, such as advice on language, format, and content that aligns with WhatsApp’s approval criteria.

  • Memberikan pembaruan status waktu nyata: It should be easy to keep track of the status of all of your submitted templates in real-time. Be sure you can easily see whether templates are approved, pending, or rejected at any time.

  • Menawarkan pengiriman bawaan: You’ll want to submit templates directly to WhatsApp via your chosen platform. This streamlines your workflows and saves time switching between your template creator and WhatsApp proper.

  • Bagikan umpan balik penolakan: In case of template rejection, your chosen platform should be able to provide specific feedback on why it wasn’t approved, as well as suggestions for revisions and resubmission.

For marketing managers and business owners juggling tasks and channels, efficiency is key. The ability to create templates, submit them for approval, and monitor their status all within the same tool streamlines an otherwise time-consuming and complex set of processes. With a savvy WhatsApp marketing vendor, you’ll spend less time stuck in approvals and more time genuinely communicating with your customers. 

Kekuatan untuk membina dan melibatkan kembali pelanggan

As a highly personalized and intimate marketing platform, WhatsApp is all about the customer journey and building customer lifetime value (LTV). Your goal should be to capture and recapture interest, nurturing genuine customer relationships for the long term. 

Untuk itu, vendor ideal Anda harus memberdayakan Anda untuk melayani pelanggan Anda, menyesuaikan strategi Anda dengan nuansa perilaku dan preferensi pelanggan. Lebih khusus lagi, vendor WhatsApp yang hebat akan membantu Anda:

1. Membangun pemasaran yang dinamis journeys

Melibatkan pelanggan melalui WhatsApp membutuhkan lebih dari sekadar rangkaian pesan sporadis. Sebaliknya, Anda memerlukan narasi yang dibuat dengan cermat yang disesuaikan dengan berbagai interaksi dan pencapaian pelanggan. Setiap skenario memberikan peluang unik untuk terhubung dengan pelanggan dengan cara yang bermakna.

Cari fitur-fitur ini di vendor WhatsApp marketing Anda:

  • Kemampuan personalisasi: Choose a vendor that offers advanced personalization tools so that you can tailor each message based on individual customer data, making communications more relevant and engaging.

  • Pembuatan perjalanan otomatis: Look for a platform that lets you automate moving customers through marketing journeys based on their interactions or behavior. This includes setting up triggered messages for abandoned carts, timed sequences for drip campaigns, and automated responses post-purchase.

  • Pengaturan waktu dan penjadwalan yang cerdas: The vendor should provide functionality for scheduling messages at optimal times, avoiding overwhelming customers while still keeping them engaged. You want your messages sent at impactful, respectful times.

  • Pelacakan dan analisis perilaku: Opt for a vendor that offers analitik dan pelacakan perilaku yang kuat. Understanding how customers interact with your messages is crucial for refining your strategies and making data-driven decisions.

2. Undang pelanggan untuk mengisi formulir pendaftaran

When it comes to WhatsApp, you want customers to enthusiastically say “yes!” to receiving messages from you. Sign-up forms serve as an initial touchpoint for customers to opt-in to your messages, paving the way for direct and personalized communication. Effective sign-up forms not only make this process seamless for users, but also keep your WhatsApp subscriber list filled with genuinely interested individuals. 

Inilah yang harus dicari dalam vendor WhatsApp marketing :

  • Desain yang ramah pengguna with customizable sign-up form templates, making it easy and intuitive for users to opt-in.

  • Integrasi kode QR for quick and convenient mobile sign-ups.

  • Pengumpulan data yang komprehensif to capture all the details you need, including content preferences to inform your future communications with each customer.

  • Verifikasi kepatuhan dan keikutsertaan to adhere to data protection laws, safeguarding your brand and your customers.

  • Integrasi data with your ecommerce store and CRM to capture customer information accurately, completing a 360-view of their customer profile.

3. Mengirim email kampanye satu kali

Bayangkan serunya mengirimkan pesan yang memicu kegembiraan seketika; pesan yang sangat tepat sasaran dan tepat waktu sehingga terasa seperti undangan pribadi untuk setiap penerima. Inilah keajaiban dari WhatsApp blast yang ditargetkan, sebuah strategi yang sempurna untuk saat-saat ketika Anda perlu membuat kehebohan, menarik perhatian, dan membuat orang-orang membicarakan acara, promosi, atau pengumuman besar Anda yang terbaru.

Targeted blasts are all about hitting the bullseye, and segmentasi is your precision tool. The ideal WhatsApp marketing vendor transforms your audience into a canvas, where you can paint different messages for different groups. 

Think of it like an archer skillfully choosing arrows; whether it's based on customers’ past purchases, demographics, or preferences they ticked when they signed up, your message will land. Personalization takes segmentation a step further in these one-off blasts, too. Find a vendor where you can address your customers by name, recommend products that align with their past purchases, or perhaps share a special offer based on their location.

Ini bukan hanya tentang mengirimkan pesan; ini tentang mengirimkan pesan yang tepat kepada orang yang tepat pada saat yang tepat.

Percakapan WhatsApp otomatis

Bayangkan sebuah dunia di mana Anda dapat menjawab setiap pertanyaan pelanggan di WhatsApp secara instan dengan respons yang sempurna-akurat, dengan sentuhan personal dan mudah dipahami. Anda dapat mencapai hasil tersebut dengan memadukan chatbots otomatis dengan interaksi manusia, kombo WhatsApp yang mendefinisikan ulang keterlibatan pelanggan di era digital.

Perpaduan antara efisiensi otomatis dan empati manusia ini merupakan strategi yang menjamin setiap interaksi pelanggan di WhatsApp-baik dengan bot maupun manusia-terasa otentik, terhubung, dan memuaskan. Ingatlah, setiap obrolan WhatsApp adalah kesempatan untuk mengesankan, melibatkan, dan menyenangkan pelanggan Anda. Dengan otomatisasi, Anda akan dapat melakukannya dalam skala besar dan langsung terjun ketika perhatian dan dukungan dari manusia diperlukan.

Inilah yang seharusnya dapat dilakukan oleh vendor WhatsApp Anda secara otomatis:

1. 1. Buat chatbots powerd oleh AI connectors seperti OpenAI

In the fast-paced world of instant messaging, responsiveness is key. A standout WhatsApp marketing vendor offers the magic of AI chatbots through native integrations; they’re smart, agile, and ready to engage your customers 24/7. 

Picture a chatbot that not only answers FAQs, but guides customers through their entire journey—from providing detailed product information to handling transactions, scheduling deliveries, and more. 

Keindahan dari solusi tanpa kode ini? Solusi ini memberikan kekuatan otomatisasi di tangan Anda, jadi tidak perlu keahlian teknologi. Hal ini memungkinkan Anda untuk menyesuaikan chatbot Anda dengan suara unik dan kebutuhan pelanggan Anda.

2. Mengeskalasi ke manusia sesuai kebutuhan

But let's face it, sometimes the human touch is irreplaceable. Whether it's sealing a crucial deal or navigating a complex support issue, there are moments when only a human-to-human conversation will do. 

Vendor WhatsApp yang ideal memahami hal ini, menawarkan transisi yang mulus dari chatbot ke manusia dalam inbox bersama. Ini berarti tim Anda dapat dengan mudah terjun pada saat yang tepat, mengambil alih tongkat estafet dari chatbot untuk menambahkan elemen manusia yang krusial, sehingga tidak ada kebutuhan pelanggan yang tidak terpenuhi.

Kemampuan untuk melihat di mana Anda mendapatkan ROI terbaik

Dalam permainan WhatsApp marketing yang terus berkembang, bermain dengan intuisi tidak lagi memadai. Ini semua tentang mengetahui-benar-benar-benar mengetahui-di mana upaya Anda mencapai sasaran dan di mana upaya tersebut gagal. Anda membutuhkan vendor WhatsApp yang bekerja keras untuk memastikan uang yang Anda keluarkan untuk mengirim pesan adalah uang yang bekerja keras untuk Anda.

Inilah yang harus dicari pada vendor WhatsApp marketing untuk mendapatkan hasil maksimal:

1. Gunakan alat bantu analisis yang canggih

Look for analytics tools that show you exactly what you’re spending on what, and what results your campaigns are producing. Use these metrics to make data-informed decisions on what messages and campaigns need tweaks or total overhauls, pivoting your strategy with confidence and precision. 

Baik itu mengidentifikasi konten yang paling menarik atau memahami perilaku pelanggan, carilah alat analisis yang memastikan bahwa strategi WhatsApp marketing Anda selalu berbasis data, cerdas, dan hemat biaya.

Rekomendasi cepat: If you’re still unsure if WhatsApp marketing is really worth your time or investment, unpack the black box that is WhatsApp marketing performance dalam panduan ini.

2. Cari dukungan tanpa kode

Gone are the days when launching a marketing campaign on a new channel felt like rocket science. WhatsApp marketing should not feel complex, technical, or like it needs a whole team of engineers to wrangle Api. 

Enter the era of no-code support. The right WhatsApp marketing vendor empowers you to set up, launch, and automate campaigns with the ease of pressing some buttons and clicking through a few menus. It should be that easy. 

Ini adalah tentang mengembalikan kekuatan ke tangan Anda. Tidak perlu lagi mengantre untuk mendapatkan sumber daya teknik; kreativitas Anda seharusnya menjadi satu-satunya batasan.

Namun, bagaimana jika pelanggan Anda tidak menggunakan WhatsApp?

More than two billion people are on WhatsApp, but we need to acknowledge a simple truth: It’s not likely that all of your customers are active on WhatsApp. WhatsApp dominates in parts of Europe and Asia, but it doesn’t encompass every demographic or geographic location. This is where diversifying your channels becomes essential. 

In your quest for the perfect WhatsApp marketing vendor, it's wise to consider platforms that offer lebih dari sekadar WhatsApp. Your customers are scattered across various platforms, each with their own preferences and habits. Find a vendor that supports (and aligns) omnichannel communication across email, SMS, Instagram, and more. You’ll maximize WhatsApp’s potential without sacrificing the chance to interact with customers who need you to meet them on other channels. 

Singkatnya, jangan tinggalkan pelanggan, di mana pun mereka berada atau platform apa pun yang mereka sukai. Choose a marketing strategy and vendor like Bird that’s as versatile and dynamic as your customer base itself. 

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The right message -> ke right person -> di right time.

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Your new standard in Marketing, Pay & Sales. It's Bird

The right message -> to the right person -> di right time.

By clicking "See Bird" you agree to Bird's Pemberitahuan Privasi.