El crecimiento de WhatsApp como canal de marketing

El crecimiento de WhatsApp como canal de marketing

Growing WhatsApp as a Marketing Channel

Unleash the untapped potential of WhatsApp as a marketing channel. This short guide shares the best strategies for sending high-quality, personalized messages via WhatsApp.

Traditional marketing channels, like email and search, are seeing diminishing returns. Why? Because customers feel bogged down by digital noise and want direct dialogues over mass broadcasts. People crave a more immediate, intimate form of communication. 

Entre en WhatsApp. Con su meteórico ascenso, que cuenta con más de dos mil millones de usuarios en todo el mundo, WhatsApp es un terreno privilegiado para cualquier marca que busque conectar auténticamente con sus clientes.

For context on the importance and reach of WhatsApp, users send approximately 100.000 millones de mensajes a day. Compared a la current tasa media de apertura del correo electrónico del 34, WhatsApp has a massive 98%.

Sin embargo, WhatsApp marketing no consiste sólo en acceder a su enorme base de usuarios. Se trata de entender su dinámica única: visibilidad, alcance, estrictos protocolos de privacidad y seguridad, y personalización.

Un futuro lleno de WhatsApp marketing es prometedor si sabes cómo utilizarlo con eficacia. Esta breve guía te llevará de la A a la Z sobre cómo lanzar y escalar WhatsApp como canal de marketing.

4 estrategias para ampliar WhatsApp marketing

Ya se ha sumergido en el vasto océano de WhatsApp marketing y las aguas le parecen perfectas. Pero, ¿por dónde seguir?

Tracemos el rumbo hacia el crecimiento exponencial con estas cuatro estrategias de ampliación.

1. Use chatbots to sell and upsell 

Customers want to feel heard and seen. Contrary to popular belief, chatbots can actually help, not hurt, your efforts to hear out your customers. Think of them as your digital sales advisors, always on-the-clock and eager to help. You can design and deploy complex chatbots that use the library of customer data at your fingertips. 

El mejor chatbots powerd by OpenAI and other LLMs can track and analyze user behavior, past interactions, and purchase histories to tailor their conversations with each customer. They can proactively offer product advice, nudge users towards newer offerings, or give customized recommendations. En robotic, frustrating chatbot experiences of even five years ago have come and gone (if you use the right tool).

2. Automatizar, automatizar, automatizar

La automatización en WhatsApp marketing no es sólo cuestión de eficacia, sino también de precisión y sincronización. Piense en los flujos de trabajo automatizados como su equipo entre bastidores, que se asegura de que los focos brillen en el momento justo para cada cliente. Así es como funciona:

  1. Diseño por objetivos: Begin by identifying the specific goals for each customer segment. Whether it's nurturing new leads, re-engaging dormant users, or promoting a flash sale, create an automated flow that fits that stage of the customer journey.

  2. Secuenciación de los pasos: Craft messages that align with each stage of the buyer's journey. Tempt new WhatsApp subscribers with an introductory discount, but offer long-time VIPs loyalty rewards or exclusive early access to sales.

  3. Goteo Campaigns: Instead of bombarding users with information, drip campaigns release content bit by bit, responding to user interactions. Did someone leave items in their cart? Cue a friendly WhatsApp reminder with an enticing offer.

En beauty of it all is that once your desired automations are set up, automated workflows keep the ball rolling right in WhatsApp. The result? Enhanced engagement and higher conversion rates, with less manual input on your end. 

No se trata sólo de "ponerlo y olvidarlo". Es "configúralo y déjalo prosperar".

3. Descifra tus datos

Every interaction, click, and response on WhatsApp is a breadcrumb that empowers you to understand your audience better. However, raw data can be overwhelming. The key is to translate your data into actionable insights. 

Regularly reviewing your campaign analytics paves the path for future growth strategies. It helps you identify what works and what needs rethinking. If you wish to delve deeper here, check out este artículo sobre cómo descifrar tu WhatsApp insights to boost your marketing analytics game.

4. Integración con su tienda de comercio electrónico para mensajes hiperpersonalizados

It's past due time to bring everything under one digital roof. Bird revolutionizes how businesses operate on WhatsApp because it brings eCommerce communications right into the platform itself. It’s finally possible to tailor your WhatsApp messaging strategy a la real-time purchase behaviors and preferences of each of your customers. 

Imagine a highly personalized shopping journey, with timely, relevant product suggestions, reminders, and offers. Connect your store to WhatsApp and supercharge the platform into a digital concierge that always knows exactly what your customers want. Meanwhile, on your end, you can see all of your marketing efforts and data in one place via Campaigns

6 mejores prácticas para garantizar la calidad de WhatsApp

En WhatsApp marketing, la calidad es la clave para ampliar su estrategia de mensajería. Cada cuenta de empresa comienza con un número limitado de mensajes que puede enviar, y tiene que ganarse el derecho a enviar más. ¿Cómo? Consiguiendo que los clientes abran constantemente sus mensajes y se comprometan con ellos.

What this means for your business is that quality is not just a priority, but a necessity. You can’t scale WhatsApp marketing without sending great messages. On the flip side, you’re doomed to fail on the platform if you just blast out thoughtless spam. 

A continuación le indicamos cómo controlar la calidad de su WhatsApp marketing campaigns :

1. Earn and maintain customer trust 

Winning a customer's trust isn't a one-and-done deal; it's a continuous commitment. On WhatsApp, you solidify your customers’ trust in your brand through timely, personalized communication. Each message you send is an extension of your brand's promise, and inconsistency or irrelevance can jeopardize the rapport you've painstakingly built. 

A recent Encuesta de Salesforce found that 65% of customers say they are more loyal to companies that offer a personalized experience. By forgoing generic outreach for personalized interactions that resonate with the recipient's preferences, needs, or past behaviors, you don't just make a sale—you create a brand advocate. 

¿Cuál es la conclusión? Convierta la personalización en la piedra angular de su comunicación y se ganará la fidelidad de sus clientes.

2. Priorizar la seguridad de los datos

Los clientes saben que sus datos son valiosos. Si te confían su información personal, tienes que manejarla con cuidado. Esto es especialmente cierto en WhatsApp, una plataforma con cifrado de extremo a extremo que hace hincapié en la protección de datos tanto para empresas como para consumidores.

As a brand, that means your customer’s trust comes with heavy responsibility. You need to diligently collect and manage customer opt-ins, making sure you only contact customers who explicitly agree to receive communications from you. 

Es más que una cortesía común; es una estricta política de cumplimiento de WhatsApp. Si los clientes no se registran, Meta puede multar a tu marca y restar puntos a tu puntuación de calidad, lo que puede limitar el alcance de tus mensajes.

The good news is, Bird helps handle customer opt-ins for you so your brand is shielded from compliance issues. By gaining this approval on behalf of your customers, we protect your brand score from getting flagged by WhatsApp. 

3. Comprender los índices de calidad

WhatsApp valora mucho las opiniones de sus usuarios; se basan en los comentarios de los usuarios para calificar la calidad de tu mensajería, ya que no pueden ver los chats encriptados. Si recibes demasiados bloqueos o informes de spam, tu puntuación de calidad se verá afectada, especialmente si estos informes son recientes.

There are three quality ratings: 

  • Alto (verde)

  • Medio (amarillo)

  • Low (red) 

If your brand account reaches a low rating, your phone number status will change to Flagged, and WhatsApp will limit the number of users you can message each day. 

Tu objetivo es minimizar el número de banderas que recibe tu cuenta de marca para que nunca llegues a una valoración Baja. ¿Te preguntas cómo lo estás haciendo? Consulta Bird, o tu cuenta de Meta Business Suite para conocer tu calificación de calidad actual.

It’s not just nice to keep your WhatsApp audience happy; it’s essential for your brand’s existence on the platform. 

4. Investigar los indicadores de calidad para evitar la limitación de la tasa

Understanding quality flags is one thing, but investigating them is another. When your business account receives quality flags, it sends a sign to WhatsApp that your account isn’t sending high-quality messages in line with its guidelines. And you want to avoid being flagged at all costs. 

Flags lead to your quality score plummeting which leads to rate limiting. This means WhatsApp caps how many messages you can send each day. 

“Every brand is given a starter account through which they can send a base, limited amount of messages from a marketing perspective,” says Anish Chadda, Vicepresidente de Producto de Bird. “What WhatsApp will do is it’ll actually monitor the quality of that brand’s messages. If they see you get a high number of people marking it as spam or blocking the brand, WhatsApp may deactivate your account or keep you at 100 messages a day.”

Perderá respuestas oportunas u oportunidades de llegar a clientes potenciales. Si recibes un aviso de calidad, no dudes en investigar: Su reputación en WhatsApp (y sus resultados de marketing) podrían depender de ello.

5. Keep user sentiment high 

Piense en el sentimiento del usuario como la temperatura de los sentimientos de su audiencia. ¿Demasiado frío? No están comprometidos. ¿Demasiado caliente? Puede que se sientan abrumados. ¿En su punto? Has captado su atención de la mejor manera. Vamos a desglosar los ajustes del termostato:

  1. Frecuencia de los mensajes: Send too many messages, and you're that annoying brand in a customer’s inbox they want to block. Too few, and you're forgotten. Find the sweet spot that keeps users engaged, but not overwhelmed.

  2. Relevancia: Ever gotten a message and thought, "Why did they send me this?" That's a misfire in relevance. Tailor your messages to align with user interests and needs, so that customers never think, “This message isn’t for me.”

  3. Reputación empresarial: This is the weight your brand carries in the market. A strong reputation can make users more forgiving of a misstep, while a shaky one means you'll be on thin ice. Continuously build and maintain a solid reputation to keep user sentiment tipped in your favor.

6. Roba esta lista de control de calidad

You don’t have to sit around and wait for quality flags to come in. You can (and should) proactively do what you can to maintain a High rating. Here’s a step-by-step checklist to doing that: 

  • Revisar el historial de calidad de 30 días: Check your quality history for the past 30 days, regularly. This is like your business's credit score for quality of customer interactions. Keep it healthy!

  • Comprobar el rendimiento de la plantilla: Regularly audit your message templates to make sure they’re performing well. Are some templates seeing higher engagement rates? You’re doing something right. Low rates? Time for a strategy pivot. 

  • Supervisar informes y bloqueos de usuarios: Keep an eagle eye on any increases in user blocks or reports. These are red flags that your messages might be missing the mark.

  • Mantenga un registro de suscripciones: Ensure you have explicit documentation of customer opt-ins. It's strict WhatsApp policy to only message customers who have opted in, and you want to be able to prove you have their consent. Plus, it’s the right way to treat you customers.

  • Hacer accesibles las exclusiones voluntarias: Make opting out as easy as opting in. If someone wants to leave, hold the door open for them with no hard feelings.

  • Crear un circuito de retroalimentación: Encourage and monitor customer feedback if possible. WhatsApp can be a powerful two-way communication channel and a way to tap into user sentiment straight from the source. Your customers should serve as your marketing GPS. Without them, you're just driving in the dark.

Maximiza tu impacto en WhatsApp

WhatsApp es el equivalente digital de la tienda de comestibles de tu barrio. Es accesible directamente para los clientes, con altos índices de participación y un toque personal que puede convertir a los visitantes ocasionales en clientes fieles. Es un canal que merece la pena optimizar.

Empiece por lo básico: Establezca objetivos claros, conozca a su público y mantenga sus comunicaciones seguras y conformes. A partir de ahí, aproveche la automatización, analice la información para perfeccionar su enfoque e integre sus comunicaciones de comercio electrónico para que el viaje del cliente sea fluido.

Embrace WhatsApp not just as a tool, but as a hub for your personalized marketing endeavors. In doing so, you’ll find that growing your presence on WhatsApp is not just a strategic move, but a transformative one. Empieza a utilizar WhatsApp para empresas hoy mismo.

Your new standard in Marketing, Pay & Sales. It's Bird

The right message -> to the right person -> en el right time.

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Your new standard in Marketing, Pay & Sales. It's Bird

The right message -> to the right person -> en el right time.

By clicking "See Bird" you agree to Bird's Confidencialidad.