Combining Numbers with Voice can get you better metadata on your marketing campaigns

Combining Numbers with Voice can get you better metadata on your marketing campaigns

Combining Numbers with Voice can get you better metadata on your marketing campaigns

Feb 3, 2020










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Combining Numbers with Voice can get you better metadata on your marketing campaigns

营销团队通常依靠在线分析工具来帮助他们确定公司网站转化潜在客户的效率,以及刚刚开展的在线营销活动的效果。但如果您是一家规模较小的公司或企业家,而您的潜在客户大多是通过电话获得的呢?分析营销工作的最佳方法是什么,以找出哪些campaigns 能够产生最多的入站线索?

Virtual numbers (also known as VMNs, or just Numbers at Bird) can give you exactly this kind of information. By assigning a unique phone number to each of your marketing campaigns, you can track every phone call and analyze which campaigns are resulting in the best, most qualified leads.

在营销过程中使用虚拟号码的原因有很多,campaigns 。但在我们看来,以下是最重要的三个原因。


According to 谷歌, 62% of customers find it extremely important to be able to call a business 在 purchase stage, and inbound calls are generally the final touch point in the customer’s journey. If you’ve connected a specific campaign to a phone number, you’ll know in advance why a customer is calling. You’ll know what product has caught their attention, what landing pages they’ve visited, and maybe even which keywords inspired them to pick up the phone. With this kind of metadata, you can arm your call handlers, and help them convert more leads.


别再掰着指头算账了,别再把营销资金砸在不一定能给你带来最大效益的广告上了。虚拟号码可提供实时洞察力,这些洞察力对于规划和决策营销活动campaigns 、实现可衡量的结果至关重要。例如,您可以为每个营销单元分配不同的电话号码。这样,您就可以确定哪些campaigns 的来电最多,哪些campaigns 可能需要进行微调,以更好地吸引客户。无论如何,以这种方式使用虚拟号码可以帮助您对营销campaigns 的各个方面做出更明智的决策,并为您带来更好的投资回报。


When you’re developing messaging and ad buys, you want to be sure that the time and money you are spending will lead to more sales. One of the reasons it’s good to have different 虚拟号码 for different campaigns is that calling customers are usually more motivated buyers. They probably have specific questions. And, by routing your inbound calls 到 right agent, you have a better opportunity to turn that qualified lead into a loyal customer.

Combining MessageBird numbers with Voice can let you know where your inbound leads are coming from. Check in with us to learn more, and start getting more mileage out of your marketing campaigns.

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ǞǞǞ right message -> to the right person -> at the right time.

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